Why Our System Works

Without vital information, police are made useless and unable to investigate your loss.

When an item is reported to law enforcement, it either goes into the NCIC (National Crime Information Center) database that connects more than 53,000 police agencies or filed away in the records department.

Only 13% of burglaries or thefts are solved or recovered on average due to this lack of information being available at the time of reporting.

Our software collects everything needed and stores it at a secure location until you need it no matter where you are in the world.

Your items can no longer be sold online or pawned without being identified as lost or stolen.

We are a community partner and crime-fighting tool that helps law enforcement identify suspects responsible for theft and burglaries. Without vital information, police are useless and unable to investigate your loss.

Protect Your Device for only $99!

His $400 racing bicycle was stolen from our garage a couple of weeks later. I couldn’t locate the receipt with the serial number. I didn’t bother to make a police report. Out of frustration, Serlock Integrated was born. We designed Serlock to be inexpensive and a no brainer for those interested in the tracking of their assets when lost or stolen. Serlock even identifies the crooks! We are the highest level of protection anywhere in the world.

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